Tattoo Tip Calculator

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Full Details

Tip Percentage:

% 0

Total Tip Amount:

$ 0.00

Total Bill Amount:

$ 0.00

Tip Per Person:

$ 0

Total Per Person:

$ 0
Total Bill [Including Tip]:$ 0.00
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Nail Your Tattoo Tipping Etiquette with Our Tip Calculator

Everyone who has ever inked their body at some point in their life has gone through a thrilling, nerve-wracking experience. However, nobody thinks about whether or not they should tip their artist. After all, they deserve appreciation for their hard work and dedication to the craft.

This is why you should ponder over questions such as how much should you give. Are you supposed to tip tattoo artists? Well, our tip calculator will give you a precise idea.

Why Should You Tip Your Tattoo Artist?

Now, coming to the point, tipping is a way of expressing your appreciation for their hard work and acknowledging the value of their artistry. Supporting your tattoo artist through tipping helps them continue pursuing their craft and inspires them to keep creating beautiful art.

In more profound words, It's not just about needles and ink; it's about skill, creativity, and years of dedication. Tattoo artists aren't just following a stencil, they're creating art you'll carry forever. Some artists also rely on tips to make a living. So, it's kind of a big deal that shouldn't be overlooked.

How Much Should I Tip My Tattoo Artist

Well, the general rule of thumb regarding tipping artists typically states that it should stand anywhere near 15-20%, 25% if you are feeling generous with their good service ( you could push for more if your wallet allows it and you are happy with the work), however, the 15-20% rule is considered to hit the boundaries of average tattoo tipping amount and perhaps serves as a solid starting point as it's best to consider the tattoo's complexity, your artist's reputation, and your budget when deciding on the tip.

Regardless of your stance on the tip, or the tattoo's complexity, your artist's reputation shouldn't be disregarded. I hope it clears “how to tip a tattoo artist”.

What Is A Tattoo Tip Calculator & Why You Should Use It?

A tattoo tip calculator is a tool designed to take the "tipping dilemma" off your mind, because honestly, who doesn't appreciate a little help when it comes to math? providing you with a calculated amount based on various factors. In other words, it simplifies the process with a user-friendly interface and personalized results.

Using The Tattoo Tip Calculator

1. The use case for a tip calculator while tipping your artist is as easy as it sounds, all you have to do is type in the total cost of your tattoo. This is usually provided by your tattoo artist before the session begins.

2. Next, choose the percentage you wish to tip. Most calculators offer a range of options, typically from 10% to 25%.

3. Once you’ve entered the cost, selected the tip percentage, and entered the number of people the calculator will do the math for you. It will show you the tip amount and the total amount to pay. You can also use our tool as a shared bill tip calculator.

4. However, you can also use the custom option and tip the amount that is preferred by you to help build a better client-artist relationship.

In order for you to interpret it better, here is an example demonstrating how a tip calculator would work in a real-life scenario.

Let's say your tattoo artist has provided a quote of $400 for your desired tattoo [overall cost]. and you want to tip 20%. Using the tattoo artist tip calculator:

  • Total Cost: $400
  • Tip Percentage: 20%
  • Tip calculation: $400 × 20% = $400 × 0.20 = $80
  • Total amount including tip: $400 (original cost) + $80 (tip) = $480

Is It Customary To Tip A Tattoo Artist?

Technically, there is no law requiring you to make tips mandatory, however, not tipping without any probable causes especially if the artist poured their heart and soul into creating your dream tattoo can be considered poor etiquette in the tattoo community.