Tattoo Removal Cost Calculator

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Full Details [Summary]

Tattoo Color:---
Tattoo Location:---
Size Of Tattoo:---
Amount of Ink:---
Tattoo Age:---
Skin Type:---
Estimated Total Tattoo Removal Cost:$0 - $0
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Tattoo Removal Cost Calculator - Undo the Ink

Let us admit it, we all make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes are etched in ink. There's no shame in wanting a change, even if it happens to be permanent, as our past shouldn't hold you back both spiritually and figuratively.

Even though tattoo regret is real, luckily the tattoo removal process is more accessible than ever before! In fact, our cost calculator takes the guesswork out of budgeting for a fresh start, giving you personalized estimates based on factors like tattoo size, color, and treatment area.

And the best part? It's quick, easy, and free to use!

Things Tattoo Removal Cost Calculator Takes Into Account

In order for you to grasp the concept of a tattoo removal price calculator, you need to understand how many things it takes into account. Think of it as a tool for transparency. By considering all these factors, the calculator provides a more accurate and transparent estimate compared to a simple "price per session" approach.

Speaking of which, the factors that can significantly impact the final cost include:

1. Factors Related To Tattoo

Ink Composite

The biggest challenge to dealing with the removal of a tattoo is the composition. It is usually made of different inks that react differently to laser treatments. Some break down easily, while others require multiple sessions.

For instance, colors like black and other dark colors (like dark blue and brown) absorb a wider range of light wavelengths, making them easier for the laser to target and break down.

On the other hand, ink etched in your skin with multiple shades, especially bright ones like red, yellow, green, or orange, presents a unique challenge. Each color might require a different laser wavelength for optimal targeting, meaning more sessions and potentially higher costs.

A rainbow tattoo or watercolor effects often contain a high percentage of white ink and will likely be more expensive to remove than a simple black outline because each color band needs to be treated individually.

As it reflects laser light instead of absorbing it, targeting the colored pigments is more difficult and may require specialized lasers.

Age of Ink

In your case of tattoo removal, time can either be your friend or foe, depending on the age of the ink that has been etched on your skin. Let us suppose that you have inked your skin with various shades of colors. Even though it was technically harder to remove with older technologies, time might work in your favor.

Over time, even the most vibrant tattoos will naturally fade due to sun exposure, skin cell regeneration, and the body's natural processes. This might result in fewer sessions and less rigorous use of technologies to get rid of the tattoo altogether, causing less money along the way.

Location of Tattoo

Tattoo placement shouldn't be ignored; in fact, it adds a challenge to the removal process itself. The logic is fairly simple and straightforward. Tattoos located on areas with thinner skin and closer proximity to bones (like fingers, hands, feet, ankles, and wrists) tend to be more sensitive and require more delicate laser settings.

On the other hand, tattoos located near frequently bending areas like elbows or knees might require more healing time between sessions due to constant skin movement, which could prolong the overall removal process.

Tattoos near lymph nodes like the groin or armpits are also undoubtedly a headache to deal with, which will eventually prolong the session and increase the cost per session.

2. Laser Technology Used

A new and more robust form of laser technology has certainly leveled the playing field; however, there are still some parlors that are running on older hardware which might cost you less, but the sessions would be long enough to compensate for what they might be losing, eventually evening out the cost difference.

I. Q-Switched Lasers (Affordable Option For Fewer Tattoo Removal Sessions)

They are generally considered the most affordable choice of laser tattoo removal, making them a popular option for budget-conscious individuals.

The best part about them is that they are usually the best single treatment for a broad range of tattoo colors, offering a versatile solution at a more accessible price point.

The logic behind these forms of lasers makes them quite reliable and perfect for everyday use cases as technically Q-switched lasers generate extremely short, powerful pulses of light energy.

While they are regarded as budget-friendly, if you have a tattoo with multiple colors, you might want to explore more options that revolve around Q-switched lasers, which basically follow an active medium used to generate the light and are better suited for certain tattoo ink colors.

Other variants include:

  • Nd: YAG Lasers with wavelengths of 1064nm (targets darker inks like black and dark blue) and 532nm (targets brighter colors like red, orange, and yellow)
  • Ruby Lasers with a wavelength of 694nm (targets primarily black, blue, and green inks)
  • Alexandrite Lasers designed to get rid of pigments such as blue-green and black

II. Picosecond Lasers (Great For Multiple Visits)

This is the sort of technology that is more expensive than its other counterpart, however, it gets the job done as it operates through efficient fragmentation of tattoo ink and pigments.

Picosecond lasers offer rapid delivery of energy resulting in faster tattoo fading and fewer overall treatment sessions, saving you precious time in the long run.

So, while for a single session it might seem like an expensive option, if you are booking multiple visits, Picosecond lasers can be seen as a cheaper option when compared to Q-switched Lasers.

3. Number of Sessions

While this might seem like a no-brainer, often people disregard it. Nevertheless, our tattoo calculator also allows you to type in the anticipated number of sessions, helping you budget realistically for your removal journey.

4. Location Of Parlor

It goes without saying that some places would charge you more. For instance, you'll likely pay a premium for a posh Beverly Hills practice compared to a reputable clinic in a smaller town, even if the laser tech is similar. Our calculator takes this into account to keep your budget on point.

To sum it up, as trivial or as easily overlooked as these factors might be, our tattoo calculator intelligently takes them into account, carefully assesses them while you input your data, and gives you a rapid yet rough quote on tattoo removal today's prices, where your tattoo removal cost might be standing so you can budget accordingly.

Why Do You Need Such a Specialized Calculator?

There is more than one reason why the tattoo removal calculator can come in handy. Some of them are mentioned below:

Our specialized tool goes beyond "size = price". Matter of fact, it not only considers the dimensions of your tattoo but also factors in a multitude of elements such as variation of ink used, placement of the tattoo on the body, the age of the tattoo, the type of laser technology that is being used, and even small elements like consultation fees, small post-touch-ups, and recommended post-treatment creams afterward.

It also allows you to estimate the number of sessions you might want to book.

It also lets you attain a clearer picture of the costs involved so you can make more informed decisions about whether to proceed with tattoo removal and how to budget for it.

How To Use Tattoo Removal Cost Calculator?

  • Input Tattoo Details: Enter the size, color, and location of your tattoo.
  • Select Skin Type: Choose your skin type from the options provided.
  • Choose Removal Method: Select the type of laser removal technology you prefer.
  • Estimate Number of Sessions: Input the anticipated number of sessions [Number of Treatments].
  • Location of Parlor: Select the location where you plan to get the removal done.

Is The Cost Prediction Accurate?

Of course, it is optimized to provide the best possible cost estimate. No wonder it offers so many elements that are discussed above in the article. Moreover, these elements are pretty much up to date so you can use them right away.

Does Skin Pigmentation Affect Tattoo Removal Cost?

Having a darker skin tone might increase the likelihood of needing a few more sessions for safe and effective ink complete removal as higher melanin levels in darker skin can absorb more cost of laser energy, which may lead to a higher risk of side effects such as hyperpigmentation. On the other hand, lighter skin tones cause you to do the exact opposite.

However, it also depends on the type of laser tech your tattoo artist might be using as Nd: YAG Lasers are used exactly for darker skin tones since they offer bigger wavelengths (1064nm) that penetrate deeper into the skin which is considerably cheaper than other technologies.